Kulina Folk Art Creative Workshops

Step into a world of relaxation and fun at Kulina Folk Art's workshops. Discover the perfect way to learn a new skill, meet new people, and keep your hands busy for an hour. Join us and indulge in the joy of creating your own soap, candle, painted silk scarf, clay gnome, beauty products, and more. You will leave with unique handmade treasures that reflect your creativity and craftsmanship. Immerse yourself in an unforgettable experience and unleash your inner artist at Kulina Folk Art's workshops.

Gariné (ga-renée) Arakelian, is a talented third-generation artist and potter. She shares her creative space with Master Potter Rick Hamelin, who also offers hands-on clay programs and pottery wheel demonstrations. They share their homestead, amidst the serene hills of west central Massachusetts, with two cats and a flock of chickens.

Bring the Fun to Your Venue! Unwind and Get Creative at Kulina Folk Art's Workshops

hands-on clay workshops for ages 5+

©2017-25 Kulina Folk Art mykulina@yahoo.com / 413-436-7444 / Design Garine Arakelian